June 2016
Minutes of Board Meeting held at Uig Hall Thursday 30th June 2016
Directors in Attendance
Dinah McDonald Chair
Victor Sandell
Pearl Brown Treasurer
Jim Connor
Bruce Marshall
David McKenzie
Gordon Macdonald has resigned from the Trust. The board minuted our thanks to Gordon for his work on the Trust.
Minutes of Meeting 30th March 2016
The draft minutes of the Trust Board meeting of 30th March 2016 were reviewed. Pearl, the treasurer told the meeting that she had e-mailed a financial report for the previous meeting. The minutes were amended and then proposed by Jim, seconded by Victor and adopted.
Business of the Trust
Secretary’s Report
There was no update from the secretary.
Update on membership
No update available.
Treasurer’s Report
Pearl advised that our bank balances were as follows:
Savings Account..........................£3138.04
Business Account........................£2534.78
The treasure advised that the quote from Zurich insurance for the coming year is £599.04, increased from £547.07 for the current year. It was agreed that Pearl and Dinah will look into other companies as this increase seems unreasonable.
Community Action Plan 2013 - 2017
Action Status:
Theme 1:
Priority 1 – Invasive Species:
Japanese Knotweed. Equipment and herbicide are in store and will be used later in the year. It was reported that there are some signs of JKW along the shore, particularly beyond the Blairmore Pier which was not treated last year. Victor reported that he had seen signs of Wild Parsnip in Hunters Quay. This plant can apparently cause chemical burns. It was felt that treating this was beyond the remit of the Trust unless it was seen within our area. Victor had reported it to the KCC.
Theme 2:
Priority 1 – Blairmore Village Green
No update on the Blairmore Village Green.
Theme 3:
Priority 3 – Development of potential sites for housing.
David had forwarded to the board an e-mail from Ms McVicar of Argyll and Bute Housing Department updating us on the current status of our proposals.
1. The council is aware of and is actively engaged in discussion with the relevant owners of vacant property about options to enable either the property or the site to be brought back into use.
2. The demand for the traditional sheltered housing we are proposing has declined as more people stay in their own homes for longer than was previously possible. There is also the issue of the significant revenue costs associated with this model.
3. As Fyne Homes have recently developed 8 affordable properties this may reduce the pressure ratio in the area considerably. After investment in an area, unless there is evidence of high pressure on the housing market, the council would not normally support further investment in that area until the impact of the latest development is known. In terms of housing need in the area, the Council’s housing need and demand analysis confirms that there is currently no compelling evidence of need either for further social housing or sheltered housing.
David had indicated that Fyne Homes management committee would be meeting early in July.
Theme 4:
Priority 1: Sewage facilities upgrade
Scottish Water are currently carrying out investigatory work on the planned route and siting of treatment plants from Kilmun to Strone.
Priority 2 – Broadband Provision
Kilfinnan Community Trust are seeking funding for tall masts to enable wireless ‘Superfast Broadband’ to reach an area which should include Clachaig. If successful they may widen the area to include Glen Massan and Loch Eckside in the future.
Priority 3 – Renewable Energy
No further update on the joint hydro project.
Villages in Bloom
Graham’s Point Community Park
The work to sandblast and paint the bus shelter has been completed and the glass reinstated.
Jim Connor reported that Lisa Berlin had been in touch with him with concerns regarding several areas of Graham’s Point: a) Maintenance of the Willow Tunnel – Dinah reported that she has checked with the Craig Walker, the NP volunteer leader and sent him photos of the willow. He had confirmed that it should not be touched until the autumn or the willow may become infected. A team of volunteers will visit on Tuesday 1st November and will give training to local volunteers to continue the work in the future. It would be good if a team of local volunteers were there to learn the skill. b) Lisa had concerns about the fence: following reducing the height of the fence, Jim had broken up the rubble beneath the fence stobbs and it was agreed the Trust would pay for ‘instant set concrete’ to bed these in. Jim offered to complete the work; c)Lisa wished to paint the plant tubs. Dinah had agreed with her to let her have some spare white masonry paint: d) Lisa had concerns about why the knotweed had not yet been treated, it was explained that this should be done when the plant is in flower to enable the poison to be drawn down into the tubers; e) a bolt had broken on the small ladder on the paddle steamer; Mike has now replaced this.
Other work done on Graham’s Point: Mike had sawn up and removed the vandalised picnic table and benches. Moira Tester has ongoing group who tidy up the area and maintain the plants. Dinah gave Jim the two new ‘keep your dog on a lead’ etc signs. It was suggested that Jim talk with Lisa and hope to enable us all to work together.
Working Groups / Projects
Paths and Access
The Walking Group is going from strength to strength; 6 walks per month are being held as well as a program of ‘Lite Bites’ (shorter walks), and walks in partnership with Bute walkers.
Historic Kilmun / Argyll Mausoleum Ltd (AML)
Dinah reported that a meeting had been held with stakeholders in the project. This had some positive outcomes. The appointment of a part-time Development Manager has resulted in increase in both visitor numbers and volunteers.
Dinah mentioned that the NP are consulting on their new Partnership Plan and had sent out a survey to all development Trusts. There was considerable discussion regarding what the board felt were the priorities for the next 5 years. The major problem was seen as the decline in population and the aging of the population. The priorities were seen as - to encourage business start up; to improve broadband and mobile phone coverage; to provide more family and sheltered housing; to tackle invasive species and to improve signage. The Trust would be happy to work in partnership on these projects.
Date of next meeting
The next Board meeting will be on Wednesday 27th July at 19:30 in Uig Hall. The treasurer proposed that as Uig Hall generally do not charge for board meetings the Trust should donate £50.00 to BRCA. This was agreed. The Trust agm will be on Wednesday 31st August, venue to be decided.