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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 03/12/2016.

December 2012

Minutes of Board Meeting held at Uig Hall 5 December 2012



Directors:               Dinah McDonald               Chair

                              Pearl Brown                     Treasurer               

                              David McKenzie                 Secretary

                              Victor Sandall


Advisors:                Cllr Bruce Marshall


Apologies:              Billy King

                             David Eaglesham




The minutes of the Trust meeting of 22 October 2012 were proposed by Dinah McDonald, seconded by David McKenzie and adopted.


Business of the Trust


Secretary’s Report


Nothing to report


Update on membership


Nothing to report


Treasurer’s Report


Pearl reported the following balances:


Account 1:    £3,041.73
Account 2:    £4,167.41


From these balances, invoices for £1,500 for paths and £1,500 for Kilmun Tower archaeology are due. However, payments are expected from the Community Partnership for costs associated with the Community Action Plan.


Community Action Plan - 2012 


Dinah advised that the selection of photos for the CAP brochure was complete and that the brochure would be shortly available.


After discussion, it was agreed that the CAP launch would be held on Tuesday 8 January at Kilmun Hall at 18:45, immediately prior to the regular meeting of the Kilmun Community Council. This had been agreed with the KCC at their November meeting.


Mulled wine and coffee would be provided for the CAP Launch


The agenda for the CAP launch event would include brief updates on the Mausoleum restoration, the proposed Cowal Shores multi-utility project and on the planned spring walks program.


The CAP Launch event will need to be publicised through normal contacts; the KCC has agreed to announce the event in their January meeting invitation.


Multi-Utility Project


David gave a brief update on the Cowal Utility project. No further meetings had been held of the Working Group since 18 October; the next meeting will be on Friday 22 February, 2013 at 10:00 in the NP HQ. Michael Russell MSP has agreed to chair this meeting.




NP Grants


As agreed at the last meeting, an application had been submitted to the NP for the full admin grant.


It was now agreed to submit an application for £1,000 for the ‘soon, seen, successful’ grant as a contribution towards a bus shelter on the Dunoon direction road at Riverbank Surgery.


David advised that a meeting would be held on 12 December of the NP elected Director’s to make a decision on the grant applications.


The invoice for the Kilmun Tower archaeology had been received from Guard Archaeology. There were discrepancies between the itemised activities on the invoice compared to those that had been on the accepted estimate. David would e-mail John Atkinson to see if additional support from Guard could be provided to the project within the costs already invoiced.






Nothing to report


Villages in Bloom


Bruce advised that the new planters located opposite the Pier Hotel were now in place and that he had planted daffodils. A cheque for the agreed amount of £20 contribution was issued.


Graham’s Point


Dinah advised that a group of volunteers had now cleared the willow tunnel.


Dinah further reported that there was additional damage to the wall by the Monk’s Hut which will need to be repaired. Bruce will check what is required and see if the Council can carry out the work.


Bruce will also arrange for the Council to carry out the regular safety checks on the play equipment and will further check to see if the Council will agree to take over the insurance for the site from the Trust.    


Working Groups / Projects


Paths and Access


The Paths and Access group (Cowal East Walking Group) is now organising about 4 walks per month and 10 -12 people are participating in each walk.


60 people are now on the Walks mailing list and further information can be found at


Argyll Mausoleum Ltd (AML)


Key recent activities:


Our Activity Coordinator – Fiona Lochhead – is now in post and active.
The tendering process has been completed for an interpretation consultant. Aaron Lawton Associates of Edinburgh has been appointed.
The PQQ process is underway to identify the companies that will be asked to tender for the main contract.


Upcoming AML sponsored events:


Community Update and Interpretation event – Wednesday 16 January 2013 at 12:00 in Kilmun Church Hall
Cocktails and Quiz Night – Friday 8 February 2013 at 19:30 in Dunoon Burgh Hall
Archaeology Update – Friday 8 March 2013 at 14:00 in Kilmun Church Hall  




David suggested that the Trust write to BBC Any Questions to see if they would agree to hold a future broadcast from our area. It was agreed to do this.


A Farmers’ market in our area might also be of interest – David to check to see what might be involved.


Dinah had already expressed concern on the withdrawal of NP ranger support from the Cowal area. The NP has advised that they are re-structuring ranger support for the whole NP, and will be in a position to advise on Cowal coverage early in the New Year. However, it was agreed that Dinah should formally write to the NP on the matter.     


Future Meetings / Date of next meeting


Dinah reported on the Community Partnership Gathering that had been held in Drymen on 3 November 2012. The next CP Gathering for 2013 will be held in Luss.


The next meeting of the Trust Board will be held at 19:30 on Wednesday 6 February, 2013 at Kilmun Hall. Bruce agreed to book the hall.   

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