SpanglefishBenmore and Kilmun Community Development Trust | sitemap | log in
Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 03/12/2016.

April 2013

Minutes of Board Meeting held at Uig Hall 10 April 2013

Directors:               Dinah McDonald               Chair

                             Pearl Brown                     Treasurer               

                             David McKenzie                 Secretary

                             David Eaglesham

                             Victor Sandall


Apologies:              Billy King

                             Cllr Bruce Marshall



The minutes of the Trust meeting of 6 February 2013 were proposed by David Eaglesham, seconded by Pearl Brown and adopted.


Matters Arising


Community Development Plan – Theme 2, Priority 4 – clarified that the property referred to by Bruce is Stonefield, Kilmun.


Theme 2 Priority 5 – burn maintenance – would the Help organisation be able to create an inventory and ownership register.


Re Any Questions – David to draft a letter to the BBC


Graham’s Point – Pearl confirmed that she had personally maintained the willow walk on her own.



Business of the Trust


Secretary’s Report


Annual payment had been made to Plexus for website. 


Update on membership


Nothing to report


Treasurer’s Report


Pearl advised that both bank accounts had been frozen due to minor issues on signature update documents. It was agreed that Pearl would draft a formal letter of complaint to the Bank of Scotland.


This freeze had prevented the latest payment from the National Park being credited and payments being made for invoices due.


Prior to the accounts being frozen, the balances were:


Account 1:    £3,011.73
Account 2:    £4,168.54


Community Action Plan - 2012 


Final copies of the CAP brochure were now available – it was agreed that each community organisation be given 4 or 5 copies.


Action Status:


Theme 1:


Priority 1 – Invasive Species:


Will be discussed further at next meeting
A possible training course is being considered via the Paths Group – volunteers are being sought and other community organisations will be invited to contribute.
Benmore & Kilmun CDT will fund one set of protective clothing for a trained volunteer.


Priority 2 – Coastal Path:


Dinah to contact Nigel Scrivan   


Priority 3 – Develop Powder Mill site


Peter Galliard had been contacted and confirmed no hydro opportunity existed
Need to confirm name of owner – Dinah / David to pursue


Priority 4 – Improve signage


Council are upgrading road end signage
Argyll Mausoleum Ltd are planning to upgrade signage at the Church
Other signage works are responsibility of Blairmore Village Trust.


Theme 2:


Priority 3 – Upgrade Strone Pier


Trust interest has been registered
Upgrade Kilmun toilets – with Western Ferries


Priority 5 - Village Appearance


Public seating 
Loch and riverside cleaning – leave to next meeting
Squirrel Hide – Peter Baxter (Benmore) is providing / FCS is considering for Arboretum


Theme 3:


Priority 2 – Business Development


David to check status of biomass development at Dallinlongart
Broadband – shore provision will be included in multi-utility meeting scheduled for May 17 – outwith shore area will be pursued by Dinah 


Theme 4:


Priority 1: Sewage facilities upgrade


David advised that the next meeting of the Cowal Multi-Utility project would be chaired by Michael Russell and held at the NP headquarters on May 17 – he will report back.


Priority 3 – Renewable Energy


David to check if any sites have been identified for development   







Dinah has met with FCS – as above, signage and squirrel hide are in progress and, in addition, a map of paths is being prepared.


Villages in Bloom


Bruce is continuing to maintain planters


Graham’s Point


 A wedding party will be held at Graham’s Point on May 31


A discussion was held to explore whether a ‘Friends of Graham’s Point’ group could be formed. It might be possible to advertise such in the Loch’n’Glen magazine.


It was suggested that a sign be erected at Graham’s Point confirming ownership by the Trust – David to check on existing signs.


Working Groups / Projects


Paths and Access


A £1500 grant has been received from Paths for All for equipment and training.


Argyll Mausoleum Ltd (AML)


A main contractor will be appointed and announced by May 7 




The new bus shelter at the Doctor’s surgery, partly paid for by a grant from the National Park secured  by the Trust, will be installed on Friday 12 April


Future Meetings / Date of next meeting


The next meeting of the Trust Board will be held at 19:30 on Wednesday 12 June, 2013. Venue – TBA.   

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