BVT Minutes April '15
PRESENT: Agnes Harvey (Chair); Pat Lynn (Secretary); Catherine Rae, Bill MacKinnon, David McKenzie, Lorraine Whitton and Carolyn Stewart.
1. Apologies for absence. Jenny Waine sent in apologies. Johnny Allan did not attend the meeting.
2. Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held on 9th March 2015, which had been circulated, were discussed. A minor change was made to Item 3: the minutes were then confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
3. Matters Arising: There were no matters arising which were not being raised on the Agenda for this meeting.
4. Surplus Plots of Land: An email had been received from our Solicitors indicating the costs of separating the individual plots. After some discussion David offered to liaise with the solicitors to seek further clarity. ACTION: David. Pat had liaised with the regulator of Community Interest Companies to seek guidance on whether we would be allowed to dispose of the plots. The regulator could see no problem but suggested that before taking final action, that we write to the CIC spelling out exactly what we wished to do in order that we would then have permission in writing.
5. Progress on green/field: Carolyn said that Yvonne was really busy just now and might struggle to undertake the piece of work which she had previously expected to do over the Christmas period. Agnes said that we wouldn’t want to put any undue pressure on Yvonne and that we could engage someone else to do this particular piece of work. Carolyn would speak to Yvonne and report back.
6. Scottish Land Fund: Agnes was working on the completion of the Year 1 Report which was due on 17th April – she outlined the main issues which required attention.
7. Financial Accounts year ending 30th June 2014: The accounts had been prepared and signed off. These accounts will be presented at our AGM on 31st May 2015 – Pat would arrange for electronic copies to be sent to board members. ACTION: Pat.
8. Hall Trust Meeting 12 April 2015: A successful and cordial meeting took place between members of the two Trusts and, arising from that was an acknowledgement of closer working between the Hall Trust and BVT. It was agreed that the Secretaries of both trusts would liaise informally from time to time; that the Hall Trust and BVT would each appoint a member of their committee to attend meetings and share information; that Minutes from both Trusts would be shared. Arising from this BVT are pleased to appoint Lorraine Whitton as their liaison representative. It was also agreed to distribute Minutes to the Hall Trust as well as to KCC and Kilmun Community Development Trust and to post them on our own website.
9. Preparation for AGM 31ST May: this will be combined with a public meeting so that we can share more fully our progress and plans with the community. Agnes suggested that we purchase the dvd which showed the village green in years gone by and Lorraine said she would check into this; Catherine offered to look after the refreshments.
10. Summer Event 25thJuly 2015: It was agreed to hold a summer event in the village and various ideas were discussed. Pat said that Bill Williamson had kindly agreed to give demonstrations and that Winston Churchill was willing to provide a burger stand. Agnes said she would ask Senga if she could come along to do pebble painting and face painting with the children. As well as celebrating the acquisition of the land we will also be celebrating the 160th Anniversary of the Pier.
11. Correspondence/Communications:
Ron Fraser had sent an email to BVT regarding the High Road and it was agreed that Agnes and Bill would make arrangements to meet up with him. ACTION: Agnes
Steve and Sylvia had sent an email to BVT informing of their intention to put the Blairmore Gallery and the old Bake House on the open market and wanted to know if BVT would have an interest in it. After some discussion it was agreed that we thank them for alerting us and to let them know that we would further discuss this when fuller details were available. Agnes would ask them to pass our interest on to the selling agent or let us know the name of the selling agent. The board agreed that every effort should be made to ensure that this facility would remain as a retail outlet commensurate with attracting tourism. ACTION:
12. Any other business:
a) Lochs n Glens: An article for the next edition of Lochs n Glens was approved.
b) Summer Raffle: It was agreed that a major raffle be held with the proceeds going to the village green development. The first prize would be the Jacqui Orr painting; Agnes would check with The Waverley to see if they would be willing to donate a family ticket; Pat was enquiring with Benmore Gardens to see if they would offer a membership ticket to the gardens and perhaps a good bottle of whisky and/or £100 from BVT. Pat would organise the licence to run the raffle and it was hoped that tickets could be on sale from 1st June until 25th July when we hold the Summer Event. ACTION: Pat, Agnes and other board members.
c) Producer’s Market: It was agreed that holding the Producer’s Market in Blairmore was welcomed – Pat was asked if for the next market would traders be able to use the village green as the hall was not big enough for the traders who wished to be there. It was agreed that this would be acceptable provided that prior permission/notice was given. ACTION: Pat.