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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 03/12/2016.

August 2010


Minutes of Board Meeting held at Kilmun Hall 9 August 2010
Directors:               Dinah McDonald               Chair           
Pearl Brown                     Treasurer
David McKenzie                 Secretary
Ron Cruickshank
                             Billy King
                             Vic Sandall
Jeanette Sloss                           
Guests:                   Cllr Bruce Marshall
                             Jean Maskell
                             David Simpson, Changeworks
Apologies:              David Eaglesham
Minutes of last meeting
The minutes of the last Trust meeting held on 28 June 2010, subject to comments in Matters Arising, were proposed by Ron Cruickshank, seconded by Dinah McDonald and adopted.
Matters arising
Forestry – Dinah reported that recently the Glen Masson road was being used incorrectly for removal of timber. This had been brought to the attention of FCS.
Villages in Bloom – Councillor Marshall advised that he had taken on the task of maintaining the planters on the shore after Evelyn Boyd resigned from the Trust. He has planted out, maintained and watered during the dry weather a total of 15 planters - one at Cot House, five at Kilmun Church, one in Midge Lane, one at the foot of Strone Brae, two at Highgate Hall, one at Blairmore / Strone sign, two at Blairmore Hall and one across the road and the last one at Blairmore Farm.
Business of the Trust
Secretary’s Report
Ø     The website was now up and running –
Ø      Annual registration of the Trust with Companies House was now due and would be done
Ø      Director’s expenses form for agreed projects on behalf of the Trust – carried forward.
Update on membership
Ø     Each director reported on their activities to bring the membership list up-to-date. 13 subscriptions had been received and handed over to Pearl.
Ø      Work to update the membership / attract more members will continue. Kilmun Community Council will be approached to see if they would suggest additional members.
Treasurer’s Report
Ø     Pearl advised that the balances on hand were:
Account 1:                   £11,332.05   Cheque account
Account 2:                  £1,560.92   Bonus account
Ø      An invoice for approximately £6,500 from Ross MacArthur for the Blairmore / Gairletter path had been received and would be paid.
Ø      Additional funds from LEADER for the Blairmore / Gairletter path would be paid later.
Working Groups / Projects
Post Office / Community Shop
Jean Maskell, Chair of the Community Shop feasibility sub-committee, presented the results of the feasibility study. Three documents were reviewed:
1.     Feasibility Study performed by David Teed and Peter Sunderland of Gartmore Community Shop Ltd
2.     Analysis of the responses received from the Community questionnaire
3.     Summary of the sub-committee work and recommendations.
After discussion, it was agreed that it was feasible for the Trust to consider running a successful community shop / Post Office; however, there would be considerable work involved in raising funds and taking the project forward. It was agreed that there would be little value in starting the project unless the Trust had a firm committed date for the retirement of the current postmaster. With such a commitment, the Trust, based on the work of the sub-committee, would feel comfortable in taking the project forward. Without such a commitment, the Trust would not continue the project.
It was agreed that Jean would approach the postmaster and get a clear indication of his plans and schedule. A meeting of the Trust to determine next steps would be held on 24 August after Jean had met with the postmaster.
On behalf of the Trust, Dinah expressed deepest thanks to Jean and her team for the comprehensive work they had carried out. 
Community Partnership Goes Green
David Simpson of Changeworks gave an update:
Ø      63% of the households in the community were now engaged in the program.
Ø      There had been a slow take-up on energy monitors.
Ø      LPG / Oil were the predominant heating fuel in the community – over 60%.
Ø      Clachaig was not included in the project.
Ø      A final sweep of households in the community would be made at the end of October
Ø      A community workshop covering microrenewables / Energy Assistance Package was under consideration.
Paths and Access
Ø      Dinah reported that the Blairmore / Gairletter path was now complete. An assessment would be made in March to determine if any remedial work was needed after the winter. A formal opening of the Path would take place at Cowal Fest.
Ø      Inappropriate signage is still in place on one path and this is with the National Park enforcement officer.
Shore District Heating System
David McKenzie advised that this project could only be feasible if the UK Government Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) was announced as planned next April. Currently, the RHI is on hold and an announcement about the future is due on October 20. The District Heating System project is therefore also on hold until after the RHI announcement.
Ø     Nothing to report
Villages in Bloom
Ø     The Trust agreed to give £30 to Councillor Marshall for new plants for the 15 planters he is maintaining.
Ø      The Trust agreed to provide funds to Jeanette Sloss for bulbs for planter in Clachaig. Jeanette to advise Pearl on amount.
Graham’s Point
Ø      Councillor Marshall had two signs that had been provided by funders and which were to be displayed – one from Lloyds and one from HIE. After discussion, it was agreed that Councillor Marshall should arrange installation at appropriate sites.
Ø     Two estimates for repairs to the wall had been received. It was agreed to go with the lower estimate that had been provided by Joe Sloss from Clachaig; however, before commencing the work, Councillor Marshall would check to see if this work should be covered by Council funds.
Ø      The local school was interested in using Graham’s Point for an event and had asked the Trust to provide port-a-loos. The Trust are keen to involve the school in Graham’s Point but did not feel they could fund the request. Pearl would investigate options, including providing transport during the event to the Younger Hall.
Ø      Councillor Marshall advised that he had organised new goal nets in April and that the field was getting a reasonable level of usage.
David McKenzie reported that a Board meeting of Argyll Mausoleum Limited was held on 22 July 2010. Status of projects:
1.     Artefacts – 3 companies had responded with bids for artefact removal / renovation. The Board had asked David McKenzie to ensure that all bids met the requirements of the funders. A decision on the selected company would be made by beginning of August.
2.     Fund raising / financials – nothing to report.
3.     History project – Ann Galliard had attended the Board Meeting and reported on her meeting with the academics involved in the project. Access to the Argyll archives in Inveraray had been arranged and a date for the visit was being fixed. Professor Alasdair Ross from Stirling University had agreed to train the local people involved in the project in mediaeval document access and transcription. 
4.     Mausoleum repair / Visitor Centre - the Request for Tender document for the overall project including the visitor centre is in preparation and should be completed by end August. Discussions were still taking place with Historic Scotland and RIAS as to exactly the format that would be used to seek tenders for this.
Ø      Japanese Knotweed – David McKenzie reported that some funding for removal of knotweed might be available from or via the National Park. However, Community ownership of removal project would be essential. Updates on funding possibilities would be brought to future meetings.
Dates of next meetings
Ø      The AGM of the Trust will be held in Kilmun Hall on Saturday 11 September at 16:00 to be followed by a BBQ at 17:00 at Graham’s Point. It was agreed to place an advert in the local newspaper about 1 week before.
Ø      The date of the next Trust Board meeting will be on Wednesday 1 September 2010 at 19:30 in Uig Hall.
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