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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 03/12/2016.

June 2010



Minutes of Board Meeting held at Uig Hall 28 June 2010
Directors:           Dinah McDonald               Chair           
                             David McKenzie                 Secretary
                             Ron Cruickshank
                             Billy King
                             David Eaglesham
                             Vic Sandall
Apologies:          Pearl Brown
                             Jeanette Sloss                           
                             Cllr Bruce Marshall
Dinah McDonald opened the meeting by noting that the Community Meeting on the proposed wind farm would be held in Kilmun Hall on 9 August. Dinah also congratulated David McKenzie on his election to the Board of the National Park.
Minutes of last meeting
The minutes of the last Trust meeting held on 24 May 2010 were proposed by Ron Cruickshank, seconded by Billy King and adopted.
Matters arising
Business of the Trust
Secretary’s Report
Ø     Update the website – carried forward.
Update on membership
Ø     David McKenzie distribute copies of the 2008 membership list, updated with information from the 2009 AGM membership forms – 82 names were available. The Board reviewed the list, deleted those known not to be around any more and agreed that each remaining named member would be contacted by a Board member to confirm membership, get an e-mail contact where possible and collect the 2010 membership fees.
Ø      It was agreed that a form should be prepared to enable Directors to claim expenses for agreed projects on behalf of the Trust. David will prepare a proposed format for next meeting.
Treasurer’s Report
Ø     Pearl advised by e-mail that the balances on hand were:
Account 1:                   £9070.29   Cheque account
Account 2:                  £1560.69   Bonus account  
Loch’n’Glen Magazine
After discussion, it was agreed that Ron should continue to manage and print the Loch’n’Glen community magazine and to also continue to put it on line. However, this will now be done on behalf of the Trust, which will enable the Trust to manage the magazine finances and to apply for grants for continued publication.
Community Partnership Goes Green
Dinah advised of two updates:
Ø      A letter was being sent to each household in the community advising that a representative from Changeworks would be contacting them to discuss energy advice.
Ø      The energy monitors for the program were scheduled to arrive shortly and would be issued from the Surgery at Riverbank.
Ø     Dinah reported that the timber in Glen Masson had been felled and removed without issues
Villages in Bloom
Ø     Ron is now maintaining the planters in Strone village
Graham’s Point
Ø     The repairs to the wall had not been completed. David agreed to ask John Caunter from Ardentinny to give an estimate and, subsequent to the meeting, Joe Sloss from Glen Masson also agreed to provide an estimate.  
David McKenzie reported that the next Board meeting of Argyll Mausoleum Limited would be on 22 July 2010. Status of projects:
1.     Artefacts:
a.      A request for tender (RFT) had been being prepared for artefact removal / renovation and had been sent to 7 companies specialising in this area. 3 companies had indicated that they would be prepared to tender and a site meeting with these companies would be held on 1 July. Responses were due by 16 July and a decision would be made at the next Board meeting.
2.     Fund raising / financials:
a.      The application for funding to LEADER had been successful and a grant of £13,036 has been awarded.
b.     Heritage Lottery Fund has paid £18,900 from the first round award into the Argyll Mausoleum Ltd bank account.
3.     Marketing Plan – nothing to report.
4.     Mausoleum repairs:
a.      The request for tender document for the overall project including the visitor centre is in preparation and should be completed in July. Discussions were still taking place with Historic Scotland and RIAS as to exactly the format that would be used to seek tenders for this.
Working Groups
Paths and Access
Ø     Dinah had recently inspected the Eachaig / Massan loop and had identified two inappropriate notices to be removed – these will be brought to the attention of the Council.
Ø     The core path leaflet is being re-printed and is in the process of being reviewed by the National Park.
Ø     It is expected that funding for the Access Forum will be reduced.
Ø     The work on the Blairmore / Gairletter path is complete and some snagging is yet to be done. National Park has yet to approve and release funding. 
Ø     The key future task for the Paths and Access group will be to identify areas where the quality of the network can be improved.
Shore Heating Project
Ø     Nothing to report – the RFT document for the feasibility study will be prepared over the summer.
Post Office / Shop
Ø      The sub-group had prepared and distributed questionnaires to every household about the proposed Post Office / Shop. Some 40 responses had been received so far.
No items
Date of next meeting
The date of the next Trust Board meeting will be on Monday 9 August 2010 at 19:30 in Kilmun Hall.
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