September 2010
Minutes of Board Meeting held at Uig Hall 1 September 2010
Directors: Dinah McDonald Chair
Pearl Brown Treasurer
David McKenzie Secretary
Ron Cruickshank
David Eaglesham
Billy King
Vic Sandall
Guests: John Forth Loch Lomond & Trossachs NP
Apologies: None
Minutes of last meeting
The minutes of the last Trust meeting held on 9 August 2010 were proposed by Ron Cruickshank, seconded by Pearl Brown and adopted.
Matters arising
Business of the Trust
Secretary’s Report
Ø A draft Director’s Expenses form was distributed to Trust Directors. This was agreed and copies will be sent to each Director by e-mail for use as appropriate.
Ø Annual registration of the Trust with Companies House has been done on-line. David paid £15.00 for this, but also had received £5.00 in subscriptions, so was due a balance of £10.00
Ø Particularly with the Community Shop study, the situation had arisen where an individual had expenses due and wished to donate these to the Trust, rather than receiving them as a payment. It was agreed that, in these circumstances, this should be shown as two separate transactions. The Expenses form above would be used to claim the expenses, and David would modify the current membership for to allow use for donations from which Gift Aid could be claimed.
Update on membership
Ø David reported that the membership list was up-to-date showing 75 members, of which 34 had paid 2009 / 10 subscriptions. David would update further after the AGM and the list would be circulated to Directors to see if additional members could be recruited and to ensure current members had paid subscriptions.
Treasurer’s Report
Ø Pearl advised that the balances on hand were:
Account 1: £3,983.05 Cheque account
Account 2: £1,560.92 Bonus account
Ø The Trust financial records are currently with the accountant for preparation of the Financial Year accounts.
Ø Cheques had recently been issued to Gartmore Community Shop (Shop feasibility study) / Ross McArthur (Blairmore – Gairletter Path) / Graham’s Point BBQ.
Ø Additional funds from LEADER for the Blairmore / Gairletter path are expected later.
Ø The AGM is confirmed for Saturday 11 September 2010 in Kilmun Hall at 16:00 to be followed by an informal BBQ at Graham’s Point at 17:00 (weather permitting).
Ø David agreed to e-mail invitations to members for whom he had an e-mail address and to invite other members (approximately 30) by mail. Dinah will arrange an advertisement in the local paper for the coming week.
Ø The Mem & Arts require 5 Directors to resign at each AGM, although they may stand for re-election. The following will stand down at the AGM: Dinah McDonald, David McKenzie, Pearl Brown, Ron Cruickshank and Billy King. All of these agreed to stand for re-election.
Ø Due to the above, John Forth agreed to chair the AGM.
Ø Dinah will organise food and soft drinks for the BBQ.
Ø Date for the 2011 AGM was fixed as Saturday 3 September 2011.
Working Groups / Projects
Post Office / Community Shop
Ø As minuted from the Trust Board meeting of 9 August, a meeting had taken place on 24 August with the current owner of the Community Shop and local postmaster to determine his plans. He confirmed that he did not currently have any plans for retirement.
Ø As also minuted from 9 August, the feasibility study had confirmed that a second shop would not be viable in addition to the current shop / Post Office. Therefore, in the circumstances, the Trust agreed that no further action would be taken on this topic.
Ø Dinah and David Eaglesham would advise the local postmaster of the Trust decision on 2 September and Dinah would prepare a press statement for the local paper.
Community Partnership Goes Green
Ø A final sweep of households in the community, including Clachaig, was underway.
Ø 14 energy monitors were out on loan – this option for householders would be further advanced at the AGM.
Ø A community workshop covering microrenewables / Energy Assistance Package was still under consideration, but no date has been fixed.
Paths and Access
Ø Dinah reported that LEADER had made a visit to the Blairmore / Gairletter project, and had asked for more data.
Ø NPA funding for Blairmore / Gairletter would be paid this month.
Ø Nothing to report
Villages in Bloom
Ø Nothing to report
Graham’s Point
Ø David agreed to follow up with Cllr Marshall regarding whether the Council or the Trust would pay for the damaged wall.
Ø David advised that Nicolas Boyes Stone Conservation of Edinburgh had been appointed to remove and conserve the artefacts. Discussions were taking place regarding the contract. Listed Building Consent would be required prior to removing the artefacts and the application would be submitted to the National Park within a week.
Ø Clarification had been received from RIAS about the format of the RFT for the main project and it was hoped to have this complete early in September and distributed to potential suppliers as soon as possible.
Ø Dinah advised that the next Cowal Area Network meeting would be in Uig Hall on Tuesday 7 September and Directors were invited to attend.
Ø Japanese Knotweed – David advised that he was in discussion with the National Park on how to structure a community based project for removal of knotweed. Further meetings were planned. In the meantime, it has been confirmed that Argyll & Bute Council were treating local verges.
Dates of next meetings
Ø The AGM of the Trust will be held in Kilmun Hall on Saturday 11 September at 16:00.
Ø The date of the next Trust Board meeting will be on Monday 11 October at 19:30 in Highgate Hall.