SpanglefishBenmore and Kilmun Community Development Trust | sitemap | log in
Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 03/12/2016.


Minutes of Annual General Meeting held on 16 September 2014


Directors in Attendance:

Dinah McDonald                     Chair

Pearl Brown                            Treasurer

David McKenzie                      Secretary

David Eaglesham                   


Members in Attendance:


Catherine Rae




Cllr Bruce Marshall

Victor Sandall


Minutes of last AGM


The minutes of the last AGM held on 17 September 2013 were amended to show that Catherine Rae, a member of the Trust, was in attendance. With this amendment, the minutes were proposed by David Eaglesham, seconded by David McKenzie and adopted.


Chair Report


Dinah McDonald reported on the activities of the Trust since for the period March 2013 through March 2014.


The Trust wished to acknowledge the deaths in the past year of Ron Simon and Billy King. These two former Directors had been instrumental in the formation of the Trust and had been pivotal in the early achievements of the Trust. In particular, the contribution of Ron Simon in the development of Graham’s Point Community Park had been invaluable. The Trust had conveyed our sympathies to their families and noted that they would be sadly missed.


The major activities of the Trust in the past year were:


Paths & Access:


Maintenance had been carried out on the Eachaig ford road.
Additional path signage had been installed
A new pavement for residents of Invereck to access the bus shelter had been installed.


Invasive Species:


Funding had been obtained to train 4 local people in management of Japanese Knotweed.
Treatment work for 2014 had commenced. 


Historic Kilmun / Argyll Mausoleum Ltd:


Construction and renovation work was almost complete
The Visitor Centre had been informally opened by Reverend David Mill in January and was receiving visitors
The Mausoleum itself is expected to be completed / opened by November
Formal opening of the site has been delayed until spring 2014
Focus is now on driving up visitor footfall and fund raising




Support to this local magazine continues


Villages in Bloom:


A new planter has been provided for Kilmun Pier.


Graham's Point:


New benches and picnic tables have been provided.
Children’s play equipment has been repaired and certified.
NP volunteers will be providing further maintenance for the Willow Walk in late 2014.




Grants have been received from National Park and from Paths-for-All.
An application has been lodged with Western Ferries for a grant to cover the costs of design and production of a Paths Brochure.


Treasurer’s Report 


Pearl Brown presented the report of the Trust finances through end of December 2013.


David Eaglesham proposed the adoption of the Treasurer’s report; this was seconded by Dinah McDonald and adopted.


Appointment of Directors  


The Constitution of the Trust requires that one third of directors retire annually, although they can stand for re-election. The following Directors retired as per the Trust Memorandum & Articles of Association:


Dinah McDonald

Pearl Brown


Both individuals, being members of the Community Development Trust, indicated that that they would be prepared to stand for re-election. David McKenzie proposed that the following member(s) be elected as Directors:


Dinah McDonald

Pearl Brown


The motion was seconded by David Eaglesham and approved unanimously.


Catherine Rae, a member of the Community Development Trust, indicated that she would be prepared to stand as a Director. This was proposed by David McKenzie, seconded by Dinah McDonald and approved unanimously.


Date of Next Meetings


The next AGM will be held on Tuesday 15 September 2015 at 19:30 in the Pier Hotel, Kilmun.


The next regular Board Meeting of the Community Development Trust will be held in the Pier Hotel at 19:30 on Tuesday 4 November 2014.

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