May 2012
Minutes of Board Meeting held at Uig Hall 7 May 2012
Directors: Dinah McDonald Chair
David McKenzie Secretary
Pearl Brown Treasurer
Advisor: Cllr Bruce Marshall
Apologies: David Eaglesham
The minutes of the Trust meeting of 16 January 2012 had not yet been formally approved. They were proposed by Pearl Brown, seconded by Dinah McDonald and adopted.
The minutes of the last Trust meeting held on 20 March 2012 could not be approved as only one Director who had been in attendance was present. This item was therefore deferred to the next Trust meeting.
Business of the Trust
Secretary’s Report
Nothing to report
Update on membership
One new member had joined
Treasurer’s Report
Pearl advised that the balances on hand were:
Ordinary Account: £4335.05
Bonus Account: £4165.44
Some of these funds are committed and there are a few outstanding bills to be paid.
It was noted that originally it had been planned to hold the 2012 AGM on 12 May 2012. After discussion, it was agreed to hold it in September as usual – the proposed date is Saturday 1 September.
Community Development Plan - 2012
The Steering Group reported that all interviews with stakeholders were complete and all returned questionnaires had been collated and analysed.
A meeting of the Steering Group will be held on Wednesday 9 May.
The public meeting to get the community feedback will be held in the Younger Hall, Kilmun on Saturday 19 May from 14:00 – 17:00. The Trust has been invited to set up a stand. The following was agreed:
We will have a Mausoleum update display using the current boards. David to liaise with Ann.
We will have membership forms available for those interested
We will put up a poster advertising the AGM
The Midge Lane access road and the improvements to the A880 are expected to start construction in June / July.
Villages in Bloom
Cllr Marshall has purchased a new planter for Blairmore and a stock of new plants. It was agreed to reimburse these costs.
Graham’s Point
Kilmun Community Council had decided not to hold a gala event this year.
The Trust will consider holding a BBQ at Graham’s Point after the AGM on 1 September
Working Groups / Projects
Paths and Access
The Loch Striven walk on 13 May had been a success.
The Trust has been made aware of a major path undertaking which plans to connect Arrochar with Ardtarich on Loch Striven. The Trust is supportive of this project.
Argyll Mausoleum
David reported that the team, including volunteers, had put an enormous amount of work into submitting the major funding applications to Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) and LEADER on time.
It was expected that a decision from HLF would be known on 17 June, but, due to funding rules, a positive decision would still not see funds available until July.
The next meeting of the Argyll Mausoleum Board will be on 29 May at Alasdair Brown’s house at 12:00.
David reported that the utilities project, which had been on hold for some considerable time, had received preliminary support from Michael Russell MSP and also from Alex Neil MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Infrastructure and the National Park. A meeting to progress will be held in Edinburgh on 16 May between David and Michael Russell.
The Trust congratulated Cllr Marshall on his recent re-election. Cllr Marshall advised that it was unlikely that he would form part of the new Council administration, and that he would therefore be relinquishing his position as Chair of the Area Committee.
Date of next meeting
The next meeting of the Trust Board will be held on Tuesday 19 June, 2012 at Blairmore Hall. Cllr Marshall will confirm hall booking.