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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 03/12/2016.

June 2015

Minutes of Board Meeting held at Pier Hotel 23 June 2015


Directors in Attendance


Dinah McDonald               Chair

David McKenzie                 Secretary     

David Eaglesham

Gordon Macdonald

Victor Sandall



Pearl Brown                    


Members in Attendance

Cllr Bruce Marshall


Minutes of Meeting 19 May 2015


The draft minutes of the Trust Board meeting of 19 May 2015 were reviewed. It was noted that, in the item under Graham’s Point, two errors in dates were identified. Further work party was scheduled for 25 May; meeting with Douglas Blades was 26 May. With these amendments, the minutes were proposed by Dinah, seconded by David E and adopted.


Matters Arising




Business of the Trust


Secretary’s Report


David M reported that Gordon Macdonald was now formally registered with Companies House as a Trust Director.


Update on membership


Nothing to report


Treasurer’s Report


As Pearl was  not present, there was no Treasurer’s report.


Community Action Plan 2013 - 2017 


Action Status:


Theme 1:


Priority 1 – Invasive Species:


The survey of the Eachaig is now complete and the work schedule is being developed. Work on the Eachaig has the support of the local water bailiff. A future survey of the shore area from Blairmore to Kilmun is planned. It was agreed to initiate fund raising for the costs of the eradication program. The best was would be to write to all local householders inviting donations towards the cost. This letter should contain a description of the problem, the availability of a trained team and the fact that one application of new chemicals is all that is required. Letters will probably have to be hand delivered to all houses. David M agreed to draft letter.     


Theme 2:


Priority 1 – Blairmore Village Green


 A combined AGM and Community Event was held by the Blairmore Village Trust in Blairmore Hall on June 7. A fund raising raffle was launched with attractive prizes.


Priority 5 - Village Appearance


Public seating at Strone Pier has been repaired. This item can be now removed from the agenda.


Theme 3:


Priority 3 – Development of potential sites.


David M updated the Board about possible changes in the options for acquiring some of the land that could be developed for sheltered housing. While the application to Scottish Land Fund is on hold, David M will continue to explore whether land could be made available.


Theme 4:


Priority 1: Sewage facilities upgrade


This will be discussed at a meeting with Brendan O’Hara MP on July 10.


Priority 2 – Broadband Provision


Nothing to report


Priority 3 – Renewable Energy


Proposed joint feasibility study for a hydro project with Kirknewton CDT.

It may be possible to use the Community Shares Scotland approach to raise the funding for this project, if it proceeds.
In the meantime, we await progress from Kirknewton.


Village Shop


It was noted that the village shop / Post Office in Strone was for sale. After discussion, it was agreed to take no action at the moment, but to monitor events.



Response to National Park ‘Live Park’ Consultation


The NP Live Park consultation document was reviewed. It was noted that Kilmun CC had responded fully to the consultation and that the Trust had nothing to add to that.  






A rhododendron clean-up by FCS is being carried out in Ardentinny.


Villages in Bloom


Bruce reported that all tubs had been refreshed.


Graham’s Point Community Park


A further group of local volunteers visited Graham’s Point on 25 May to complete the annual maintenance. Wood preservative was applied, new planting was done.


The renovation of the bus shelter is proving more complicated than expected. Listed Building Consent is required and signatures are required from both A&B C and ACHA. Dinah is progressing.



Working Groups / Projects



Paths and Access


Program of walks is in progress – next walk is to local Ben More on Thursday 25 May. 


Historic Kilmun / Argyll Mausoleum Ltd (AML)


The AGM was held on 16 June.


The Faith in Cowal project under Gilbert Markus is making excellent progress.


Visitor footfall remains an issue








Date of next meeting


The next meeting of the Trust Board will be held at 19:30 on Monday 10 August at the Pier Hotel, Kilmun

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