SpanglefishBenmore and Kilmun Community Development Trust | sitemap | log in
Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 03/12/2016.

January 2012

Minutes of Board Meeting held at Uig Hall 16 January 2012

Directors:  Dinah McDonald  Chair 
               David McKenzie   Secretary
               Pearl Brown    Treasurer

Minutes of last meeting

 The minutes of the last Trust meeting held on 1 November 2011 were proposed by Dinah McDonald, seconded by Pearl Brown and approved

Business of the Trust

Secretary’s Report

 Nothing to report

Update on membership

 No changes to report. It was agreed to advertise for new members in the next edition of Loch’n’Glen.

Treasurer’s Report

 Pearl advised that the balances on hand were:

o Ordinary Account: £1669.07
o Bonus Account:  £4164.71 

 Dinah queried by the Trust, as a charity, was being charged a monthly fee of £15.00 by the Bank of Scotland. Pearl will check and report back.

 Dinah reported that we are awaiting final decisions from the National Park on the application for an admin grant of £800 and the application for £1500 for the ‘Seen, soon, successful’ project.  

Community Development Plan - 2012 

 Dinah advised that confirmation had been received from the Community Partnership that our application to develop a new 5 year Community Development Plan (CDP) had been successful.

 This decision means that we can now proceed to hire a project officer. Due to time constraints, it was agreed to proceed to advertise immediately for this post. The text of the advertisement was agreed.

 A meeting of the Steering Group now needs to be organised. Colin Roxburgh from STAR will participate in the meeting and advise of next steps. Depending on Colin’s availability, it was agreed that the Steering Group meeting should be held in early February. Dinah will write to the Steering Group members once the date has been agreed.   

Working Groups / Projects

Loch’n’Glen Magazine

 A new edition has been published.

Paths and Access

 Despite weather, 9 people had joined the guided heritage walk.

 3 new members have joined the Paths Group.

 The Paths Group is organising a dry stone walling class.

Graham’s Point

 QEII Fields Challenge project. The application had to be completed by the field owner, which is the Council and this is proving difficult. David agreed to pursue once again with Cllr Bruce Marshall.

 Sleepers to prevent wall damage have still not been installed – David will contact the Council once more.


 A ‘Vikings to Torpedoes’ project focussing on the heritage of Loch Long had been launched by the Arrochar CDT. IT was agreed that the Trust would join this project – David to contact Linda Black.
 An e-mail had been received from Cllr Bruce Marshall asking if the Trust would contribute to a sign in Blairmore pointing to the Blairmore / Gairletter walk. It was agreed to do this – David will advise Cllr Marshall and Agnes Harvey from Blairmore Village Trust.

Future Meetings

 The next Area Network meeting will be held at Uig Hall on Wednesday 8 February. Dinah requested that as many Directors as possible try to attend. 

Date of next meeting

 The next meeting of the Trust Board will be held on Monday 12 March, 2012 at Highgate Hall.

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