January 2014
Minutes of Board Meeting held at Kilmun Hall 29 January 2014
Directors in Attendance:
Dinah McDonald Chair
David McKenzie Secretary
David Eaglesham
Pearl Brown Treasurer
Victor Sandall
Cllr Bruce Marshall
Minutes of Meeting 6 November 2013
The draft minutes of the Trust Board meeting of 6 November 2013 were reviewed and the following changes made:
Villages in Bloom – Bruce maintains all planters
AOCB - the use of the Pier Buildings when the Queens Hall is closed is only a proposal at this point
AOCB – the AICCT is identifying a project to remove all ponticum (not just Rashfield)
Future Meetings – Dinah will also attend the Community Partnership annual gathering.
With these changes, the minutes were proposed by Dinah, seconded by David and adopted.
Matters Arising
Business of the Trust
Secretary’s Report
Nothing to report
Update on membership
Nothing to report
Treasurer’s Report
Due to absence of Treasurer, current bank balances were not available
Dinah confirmed that both project (£1000) and administrative (£800) grant applications to the National Park had been approved and paid, as had the grant for invasive species training and equipment from the Forestry Commission.
Community Action Plan - 2012
Action Status:
Theme 1:
Priority 1 – Invasive Species:
The training course for removal of invasive species took place from 12 – 14 January and was very successful.
Seven individuals attended – 2 Council,1 Forest Service, 1 Kilfinan CDT, 1 Ardentinny CC, 1 Benmore & Kilmun CDT, 1 Blairmore
Equipment, protective clothing and spraying fluid have been bought
Spraying will commence in August
Priority 2 – Coastal Path:
On hold
Priority 3 – Develop Powder Mill site
On hold
Priority 4 – Improved Signage
Bruce had e-mailed the Trust to ask if they would fund the replacement of the community notice board at Younger Hall, Kilmun which had been destroyed by recent weather. It was agreed to check if this was not the responsibility of the Hall.
Theme 2:
Priority 1 – Blairmore Village Green
A series of community meetings have been held with the participation of NP officers and 7N architects. Options for the use of the green have been developed and a final set of recommendations is expected in February.
A decision from the Scottish Land Fund (SLF) on funding assistance is awaited.
Priority 2 – Strone Pier
A discussion was held about whether the Trust should approach SLF regarding obtaining funds for the purchase of the former John Brown site adjacent to Strone pier for retirement homes or similar. David to check and report back.
Priority 5 - Village Appearance
Nothing to report
Theme 3:
Priority 2 – Business Development
Nothing to report
Theme 4:
Priority 1: Sewage facilities upgrade
Kilmun CC has written to SEPA about this and a meeting is planned between Kilmun CC, SEPA and NP officers. David will attend.
Priority 3 – Renewable Energy
Nothing to report
Nothing to report
Villages in Bloom
Nothing to report
Graham’s Point Community Park
Inspection and certification of play equipment – a contractor had been identified to carry out the required repair work and the replacement parts had been purchased. Work remains to be scheduled.
Work was still needed to maintain the Willow Tunnel, benches and planters. It now looks as if the Trust will have to contract with a firm to carry out this work. Dinah to check who might be available.
As part of on-going maintenance, it should be checked if more seating is required.
Working Groups / Projects
Paths and Access
The pathway from Invereck to the bus stop is now complete
The Eachaig path is also now complete
The Walking Group remains successful and has started the 2014 program
Argyll Mausoleum Ltd (AML)
Construction work continues – some unexpected delays were encountered in December, postponing the end of the construction phase until February
The informal launch of the Visitor Centre was performed by the Reverend David Mill on 27 January; this was followed by a well-attended talk on the Campbells by Ann Galliard.
The Visitor Centre is now open to the public 3 days per week, and is staffed by volunteers.
The Mausoleum itself is scheduled to be completed in the August time frame.
Nothing to report
Future Meetings / Date of next meeting
The next meeting of the Trust Board will be held at 19:30 on Wednesday 12 March. Venue – Younger Hall, Kilmun; Bruce is requested to book the small hall.