January 2009
Minutes of the meeting of directors on 27th January, 2009 at Highgate Hall
1. Present; D MacDonald (chair), Pearl Brown, Billy King; David Mackenzie
2. In attendance; John Forth; Georgy Davis; Bruce Marshall
3. Apologies; Russell Bruce; Dorothy Bruce; Ron Simon;
4. Minutes of previous meeting were approved. Proposed David Mackenzie. Seconded Pearl Brown
5. Matters Arising. None.
Dinah McDonald introduced Georgy Davis the development officer for CES, whose remit is to assist community groups into sustainability. CES have offered financial support of up to £10,000 for the first stage of a feasibility study into the anaerobic digestion of sewage to generate electricity in Blairmore, and possibly Strone and Kilmun. CES currently support 30 projects, mostly involving wind and hydro energy. The project must be at least 51% community owned. Before a project can be supported the community must be invited to vote on whether they are in agreement with it, with at least 70% voting in favour. David Mackenzie, on behalf of the board, has invited quotes from several consultants to carry out this feasibility study. It was agreed that those directors interested would meet on 10th February at 8.00p.m. to review the quotes and propose one company to carry out the work. David would circulate the quotes where possible prior to that meeting. Dinah thanked Georgy for her valuable contribution to our understanding of her organisation and the project.
6. Business of the Trust
Secretary’s Report; Membership; no change
Treasurer’s report; We have two bank accounts with balances of £2556.54 and £5063.05
7. a) Forestry; R.B. not present to give a report.
b) Graham’s Point. Has been used less recently. There are currently five ‘friends’. They do not wish to be directors on the Trust, but will give us a report for each meeting. Derek Logue will consider Pearl’s suggestion that mats be used at the goal mouths. Bruce Marshall has planted 9 hazel/hawthorn trees. There was a query as to whether the bike rack has been established. Dinah to chase the friends up with regard to the b.b.q. The wall at the car park has collapsed. Bruce Marshall will request that amenity services of the Council carry out repairs.
c) Village in Bloom; Bruce Marshall agreed to look after the tubs at the church and at the Kilmun sign; Dinah to look after the tubs at the Pier Hotel and at Uig Hall, Pearl to look after the tub at the Strone/Blairmore sign. (to be confirmed at the next meeting, I may have got that wrong)
8. Working Groups;
Paths and Access; All the paths group objections to the core paths consultation had been upheld. The next project is the proposed link from Blairmore to Gairletter. We are also going to contact the owners of the track from Benmore Gardens car park along the River Eachaig to try to get this maintained. Bruce Marshall offered to get the contact details for the factor of Benmore Trust who may own part/all the track. Their next meting is in April.
Mausoleum Group.
David Mackenzie is hopeful that Argyll Estates will release £4,000.00 of the funding originally promised to Argyll and Bute Council to be used towards the maintenance of the mausoleum. David asked the Trusts’ approval for using this to commission a solicitor he has previously worked with to set up a company (up to £1,000), acquire charitable status (up to £1000) and establish a lease (up to £1500.) Hannah Dineen is working on an initial application to the Heritage Lottery Fund. The Trust agreed to this proposal. David had also approached Mrs Redpath, Strone Primary School, to involve the school in a competition based on the Mausoleum. David suggested limited tours of the mausoleum during the summer using a minibus from McNee’s (£150.00 per day). This would mean charging approx. £15.00 per head. This could initially be tied in with Sandbank's Programme for the Homecoming Saturday 9th May. John Forth said he might be able to borrow a minibus from the Park for Saturday 9th May.
9. Future Meetings. Dinah McDonald mentioned the Cowal Network meeting of the Community Partnership which is to be held at Uig Hall on 17th February. The main topic for discussion will be ‘invasive species’ and how these can be tackled. Also the local plan open day to explain/discuss the local plan for this area, including the proposal that parts of Blairmore, Strone and Kilmun become designated Conservation areas is to be held at the Younger Hall on Wednesday 4th February from 2.00p.m – 8.00p.m
Billy King enquired whether it was correct that the slipway at Blairmore had been sold. No one present knew. .
10. Next Meeting; Tuesday 24th February 2009 at 7:15p.m. at Uig Hall