May 2015
Minutes of Board Meeting held at Pier Hotel 19 May 2015
Directors in Attendance:
Dinah McDonald Chair
Pearl Brown Treasurer
David McKenzie Secretary
David Eaglesham
Gordon Macdonald
Victor Sandall
Members in Attendance:
Cllr Bruce Marshall
Dinah welcomed Gordon Macdonald to his first meeting since being elected as a Director of the Trust.
Minutes of Meeting 8 April 2015
The draft minutes of the Trust Board meeting of 8 April 2015 were reviewed. The minutes were proposed by Dinah, seconded by David E and adopted.
Matters Arising
Business of the Trust
Secretary’s Report
Nothing to report
Update on membership
Nothing to report
Treasurer’s Report
Pearl reported that the bank balances were as follows:
Business Account: £3455.44
Savings Account: £4174.01
The balance on the Business Account includes the £700 admin grant from the NP.
The balances above include fenced amounts of £1200 for Graham’s Point and £1500 for paths.
Community Action Plan - 2012
Action Status:
Theme 1:
Priority 1 – Invasive Species:
3 or 4 local people plus 5 others have now been trained in dealing with all invasive species, including Japanese Knotweed.
Work parties to treat the invasive species are planned for July / August
A map of affected areas has been created
Permissions of affected land owners are being sought
Gordon asked to be involved in this project, and Dinah will do this.
Theme 2:
Priority 1 – Blairmore Village Green
A joint AGM / Community Event will be held by the Blairmore Village Trust in Blairmore Hall on June 7.
Theme 3:
Priority 2 – Development of potential sites.
The Board discussed the possibility of applying for funds to carry out the feasibility study on potential sites for sheltered housing in anticipation of new funding from the Scottish Land Fund (SLF) next year. Given that all of the sites identified could have problems in establishing either clear permission of ownership or issues with planning, it was agreed to defer any activity on this project for the moment.
Priority 5 - Village Appearance
Nothing to report
Theme 4:
Priority 1: Sewage facilities upgrade
It may be possible to bring the proposals developed for the Shore Villages to the attention of the recently formed Argyll & Bute Sustainable Economic Forum (ABSEF). David M to explore
Priority 2 – Broadband Provision
Nothing to report
Priority 3 – Renewable Energy
Proposed joint feasibility study for a hydro project with Kirknewton CDT
Kirknewton CDT has applied for CARES funding for one grant for four sites including Loch Eck
Answer expected in September
A Community Funding workshop concerning raising funds through community shares will be held in Oban and Lochgilphead. It was agreed we should register to attend. Dinah to action.
FCS has advised that they will be upgrading the water supply to the Ardentinny toilets.
Villages in Bloom
Nothing to report
Graham’s Point Community Park
A group of local volunteers, including rangers from the National Park, visiting Graham’s Point on 11th April at 10:00 to tidy up the Willow Tunnel, replace goal netting, apply preservative to seating, etc.
Additional work will be needed. A further work party is being organised for 25th April.
The renovation of the bus shelter is proving more complicated than expected. Listed Building Consent is required. Dinah is progressing and will be meeting with Douglas Blades from the Council on 26th April.
Working Groups / Projects
Paths and Access
NP volunteer rangers are being requested to assist in clearing the path on Strone Hill.
Historic Kilmun / Argyll Mausoleum Ltd (AML)
Generation of tourist footfall / revenue remains the biggest problem.
HLF may fund consultants to make recommendations, including cooperation with the Walled Garden project in Ardentinny.
The possibility of linking all the sites in the area into a 3 Lochs Tour (Holy, Long, Eck) and hiring a project manager to design and implement has been discussed.
The NP Live Park / proposed new Local Development Plan is open for consultation until end of June. It was agreed that B&K CDT would review and provide a response.
A new Built Heritage Repair grant scheme has been announced by the NP.
Date of next meeting
In order to meet the deadline to respond to the NP Live Park consultation, the next meeting will be held at 19:30 on Tuesday 23 June at the Pier Hotel, Kilmun