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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 03/12/2016.

February 2011


Minutes of Board Meeting held at Uig Hall 15 February 2011
Directors:               Dinah McDonald               Chair           
Pearl Brown                     Treasurer
David McKenzie                 Secretary
Advisor:                 John Forth                       LL&T NPA                       
Apologies:              Cllr Bruce Marshall
David Eaglesham
Ron Cruickshank
                             Billy King
                             Victor Sandall
Minutes of last meeting
The minutes of the last Trust meeting held on 6 December 2010 were modified to reflect that the sum due from LEADER was £2,700. With this change, the minutes were proposed by Dinah McDonald, seconded by David McKenzie and adopted.
Matters arising
Business of the Trust
Secretary’s Report
Ø      Nothing to report
Update on membership
Ø     There have been no changes to the membership
Treasurer’s Report
Ø     Pearl reported that the balances on hand were:
Account 1:                   £225.07         Cheque account
Account 2:                  £4,982.85       Bonus account
Ø      The contribution from LEADER of £2,700 towards the Blairmore / Gairletter path had been received.
Ø      It was agreed to make a contribution to Ron Cruickshank of £50 towards the production costs of the Lochs’n’Glen newsletter
Ø      Dinah advised that there would be costs in the next few days for adverts in the local press about DHS / LPG meetings, for Ailsa Close (accounts) and for hall rental at Uig and Kilmun.
Ø      Pearl noted that, due to misunderstandings with the LEADER funds, a cheque had been issued to Ross McArthur which had been refused. Although the problem is now resolved, bank costs of £70 would be incurred.   
Ø      Dinah advised that the application that had been submitted to the National Park for a grant of £800 towards admin costs and a further application for a grant of £1500 for path signage and leaflets had both been approved and a confirmation letter was in process.  
Working Groups / Projects
Community Futures Goes Green
Ø      Dinah reported that a meeting had been held earlier in the evening for the community to examine the level of interest in District Heating System. Andrew Lyle, a consultant from Edinburgh, had attended. The turnout had been disappointing. However, it was agreed that a major biomass system for the whole shore was probably unfeasible due to complexity and costs.  
Ø      New funding from CCF and the Scottish Government for community energy projects was expected shortly. It was agreed to apply for funding, possibly with the assistance of ALIenergy and Community Energy Scotland (CES), to appoint an energy advisor for the Benmore & Kilmun area who could design tailored solutions for small groups of houses / individual properties, with the Trust then able to negotiate discounts on equipment and installation. A similar scheme in Fintry is apparently resulting in discounts of around 40%.
Ø      David would follow up with ALIenergy / CES
Ø      David also reported that a meeting would be held on 23 February in Kilmun Hall to see if there a community appetite for establishing a consortium for purchasing LPG for those households who use this fuel. If successful, this could be extended to oil. It was agreed that a newly established local supplier should be invited to the meeting to outline the benefits of a consortium and to answer questions.   
Paths and Access
Ø      Dinah advised that a meeting had been held with the Forestry Commission to agree improved water crossings / signage on Forestry paths.
Ø      The Paths group were exploring potential new routes for paths and new signage plans and leaflets were being prepared (see earlier re National Park grant).
Ø      2 access issues had been identified – one at Ballochyle and one behind Kilmun Church. Relevant enforcement officers had been advised.
Ø      John Forth noted that advice to the Paths and Access Group was available from the National Park.
Ø     Nothing to report
Villages in Bloom
Ø      Planters were now beginning to flower
Graham’s Point
Ø     The Council had agreed to repair the wall in the car park, but the work had not yet been done. David agreed to chase.
Ø     Pearl reported that the Willow Walk had been damaged in recent storms and volunteers would be repairing.
Ø      The artefacts had been removed by Nic Boyes Stone Conservation and were now in Edinburgh
Ø      A decision had been made to award the principal contract for the Design team to Icosis Architects and Stephen Newsom Architects. A draft contract had been received and was being reviewed.
Ø      The Activity Plan would be a key component of the second round submission to HLF. The Board had decided to hire Mairi Bell, formerly of the National Park, to prepare the Plan
Ø      Initial archaeology and historical reports had been received. Ann Galliard had completed further research at the Campbell archives, and a first draft of the early chapters of her planned book on the Mausoleum and the site had been completed.
Ø      Following initial meetings with the design team, it has been agreed to postpone submission of the second round funding application to HLF until September 2011, for a decision in December.
Ø      Part of the funding from LEADER was expected shortly and Argyll Estates had advised that they were open to releasing now the balance of funds due from them - £4,000. 
Training Events
Ø      A course on running effective meetings would be held in Uig Hall on 16 February 2011
Ø      A funding master class would be held at the NP HQ, Balloch on 26 February 2011  
Ø      The phone box at Clachaig has been offered for sale by BT for the sum of £50 – the Trust agreed to purchase.
Date of next meeting
Ø      The date of the next Trust Board meeting will be on Tuesday 29 March 2011 at 19:30 in Highgate Hall.
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