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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 03/12/2016.

June 2013

Minutes of Board Meeting held at Uig Hall 12 June 2013



Directors:               Dinah McDonald               Chair

                             Pearl Brown                     Treasurer               

                             David McKenzie                 Secretary

                             David Eaglesham

                             Victor Sandall


Advisor:                 Cllr Bruce Marshall


Apologies:              Billy King



Minutes of Meeting 10 April 2013


David Eaglesham requested that minutes should distinguish between David Eaglesham (David E) and David McKenzie (David M).


The minutes of the Trust meeting of 10 April 2013 were proposed by Dinah, seconded by Pearl and adopted.


Matters Arising


CAP Theme 2 Priority 5 – burn maintenance – Dinah will contact the Help organisation to determine if they can create an inventory and ownership register.


Re Any Questions – David still to draft a letter to the BBC



Business of the Trust


Secretary’s Report


Nothing to report   


Update on membership


Nothing to report


Treasurer’s Report


Pearl advised that both bank accounts were now operating normally after recent problems.


Account balances were:


Account 1:    £3,336.73
Account 2:    £4,169.09


Community Action Plan - 2012 


Action Status:


Theme 1:


Priority 1 – Invasive Species:


A training course is being offered via considered via the Paths Group – the course will need a minimum of 6 participants and will cost approximately £400 per participant. These could be:

Benmore & Kilmun CDT -        2
Kilfinan                       -        1
Strachur                      -        1
Ardentinny                  -        1 possible       

Dinah will pursue to see if 6 volunteers can be found.


Priority 2 – Coastal Path:


Will be discussed at a later meetinhg


Priority 3 – Develop Powder Mill site


Dinah now has name of owner and will advise David M who will follow up


Priority 4 – Improve signage


Cot House road end signage - Council have upgraded
This item is now closed. 


Theme 2:


Priority 3 – Upgrade Strone Pier


No further action until advised if this is for sale
Trust is aware that Village Post Office is for sale – no action is planned and progress of sale will be monitored.


Priority 5 - Village Appearance


Public seating – Bruce will check status 
Loch and riverside cleaning – NP volunteer Rangers to carry out – date to be fixed
Squirrel Hide (s) – in process


Theme 3:


Priority 2 – Business Development


Biomass development at Dalinlongart is still planned, but no date is fixed. David E will advise Trust if status changes. David M will check whether the proposed SSE biomass development in Cowal can be linked to the expected heat output from Dalinlongart.
Broadband – shore provision – see separate minutes of multi-utility meeting held on May 17
Broadband outwith shore area – Dinah is canvassing interest in local communities and is in touch with Scottish Government re a company who could provide this service.   


Theme 4:


Priority 1: Sewage facilities upgrade


David M reported that the planned meeting of the Cowal Multi-Utility project chaired by Michael Russell was held at the NP headquarters on May 17 – separate minutes have been distributed.


Priority 3 – Renewable Energy


David to check with Community Energy Scotland to see if any activity is planned or opportunities identified.   







FCS held an open day at the Younger Hall on 10 June to present the felling and replanting plan for Kilmun Hill – timber lorry transport will commence in September and will be a maximum of 10 trucks per day. The felling and replanting plan continues beyond 2049.


Villages in Bloom


Bruce is continuing to maintain planters. New plants have been placed at Rhu Beg.


Graham’s Point Community Park


It was agreed that there was no need for a new notice on Trust involvement


It was agreed to proceed to re-form a ‘Friends of Graham’s Point’  group in order to, for example, maintain seating and prune the Willow Tunnel. Recruitment for the group will commence at the Skilmun event on 20 July.


Bruce will check whether the Council will certify the play equipment and repair the damaged wall.


The possibility of building a permanent covered area to provide shelter for stalls, etc. in poor weather was discussed – David M will check with the NP planners to see what their initial reaction will be.


Working Groups / Projects


Paths and Access


Upgrade of the Eachaig paths is planned


A pathway from Invereck to the bus stop is in progress – the Trust will fund the cost of the slabs.


Argyll Mausoleum Ltd (AML)


The main contractor - W H Kirkwood – has been appointed and construction work has commenced.




David M has joined the Board of the Blairmore Village Trust (BVT). The possible community purchase / development of Blairmore Green might be a possible joint project.


Date of next meeting


The next meeting of the Trust Board will be held at 20:00 on Tuesday 20 August, 2013. Venue – Blairmore Hall – Bruce will book.   

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