May 2011
Minutes of Board Meeting held at Younger Hall 24 May 2011
Directors: Dinah McDonald Chair
Pearl Brown Treasurer
David McKenzie Secretary
David Eaglesham
Ron Cruickshank
Victor Sandall
Advisor: Cllr Bruce Marshall
Apologies: Billy King
Minutes of last meeting
The minutes of the last Trust meeting held on 29 March 2011 were modified to reflect, under AOCB, that the former BT phone box at Clachaig would be maintained by the Trust but ownership will remain with Kilmun CC. Also under AOCB, that the Loch’n’Glen newsletter would be in balance through the end of June with the contribution from the National Park. With these changes, the minutes were proposed by Ron Cruickshank, seconded by Dinah McDonald and adopted.
Matters arising
Cllr Marshall will ask Royal Mail to arrange to have the Post Box at Kilmun painted
Loch’n’Glen Newsletter – Ron acknowledged the £200 contribution from the National Park and also a £50 contribution from St Munn’s Guild.
Business of the Trust
Secretary’s Report
Nothing to report
Update on membership
There have been no changes to the membership
Treasurer’s Report
Pearl reported that the balances on hand were:
Account 1: £2,727.60 Cheque account
Account 2: £4,160.51 Bonus account
Pearl reported that £2,300 had been received from the National Park from the successful application for a contribution to project and administration costs.
Dinah reminded Directors that expenses incurred on behalf of the Trust could be claimed and, if willing, Directors could then return these to the Trust as a donation.
Working Groups / Projects
Paths and Access
David Eaglesham reported that a useful meeting had been held with FCS on the proposed path from the Arboretum to the east forest track (hairpin bend).
A further new circular path route was now being discussed from Benmore Gardens to Puck’s Glen and return – seed corn funding was being investigated.
Quotes were being obtained for signage for the shore road to indicate access to the path network – these will be installed by August.
District Heating
David McKenzie advised that the Expression of Interest that had been lodged with Community Energy Scotland (CES) for loan funding had resulted in an invitation to apply for a loan. This application has now been submitted. The loan would be to enable appointment of an energy advisor for the Benmore & Kilmun area who could design tailored solutions for small groups of houses / individual properties, with the Trust then able to negotiate discounts on equipment and installation.
Nothing to report
Villages in Bloom
Cllr Marshall reported that the re-planting of the majority of planters on the shore was complete.
Graham’s Point
An attempt to repair the damaged wall had been made by the Council but was not satisfactory. David McKenzie had chased the matter and Cllr Marshall agreed to raise again with Allan MacDonald.
The Trust was advised that Kilmun CC planned to hold an open day at Graham’s Point on 23 July to mark Armed Forces day. As this event could affect the Trust (insurance, etc), it was agreed that David McKenzie would approach Pete Shields to ensure that the Trust was represented on the organising sub-committee.
The community open evening was planned for June 2 and organisation, advertising, etc was well under way.
David McKenzie advised that the Board of Argyll Mausoleum Ltd were concerned about short term cash flow, but efforts were underway to resolve.
A possible separate project to restore the disused workman’s hut adjacent to the Mausoleum as an unattended visitor facility was being considered.
The visit to the Cowal area by members of the National Park Board scheduled for May 25 had been postponed at the last minute.
Colintraive & Glendaruel (C&G) Development Trust had approached the Trust to seek their views on a proposed renewable energy project at Cruach Mhor / Stronafian Forest. After discussion, it was agreed that the Trust would give initial support to the outline plan. The Trust would invite C&G Development Trust to present their plans to a public meeting to coincide with the Trust AGM on 3 September. In addition, the Trust (David Eaglesham) would update the Kilmun CC at their next meeting on 14 June.
Dinah advised that a meeting with the opportunity to contribute to the National Park plan was being held in Balloch on 8 June.
Date of next meeting
The date of the next Trust Board meeting will be on Monday 11 July 2011 at 19:30 in Uig Hall.