SpanglefishBenmore and Kilmun Community Development Trust | sitemap | log in
Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 03/12/2016.

August 2014

Minutes of Board Meeting held at Blairmore Hall 26 August 2014


Directors in Attendance:


Dinah McDonald               Chair

Pearl Brown                     Treasurer

David McKenzie                 Secretary     

David Eaglesham

Victor Sandall



Minutes of Meeting 30 June 2014:


The draft minutes of the Trust Board meeting of 30 June 2014 were reviewed. The minutes were proposed by Dinah, seconded by Pearl and adopted.


Matters Arising




Business of the Trust


Secretary’s Report


Nothing to report  


Update on membership


Nothing to report


Treasurer’s Report


Pearl reported that the bank balances were not available as the statements were with the auditor preparatory to preparing annual accounts.


Invoices paid this month:


Public Liability Insurance for Graham’s Point - £525.98


An on-going issue with Calico regarding duplicate payments of an invoice of approximately £13 had not been resolved.



Community Action Plan - 2012 


Action Status:


Theme 1:


Priority 1 – Invasive Species:


Dinah had called on the trained volunteers to start the annual spraying, but there has been a delay in getting underway. Dinah will chase up.


Priority 4 – Improved Signage


The Kilmun CC has advised that a local volunteer had agreed to repair the notice board at Kilmun Hall.
The Trust therefore decided that this item can be closed.


Theme 2:


Priority 1 – Blairmore Village Green


It is confirmed that the purchase transaction for the Village Green is complete.  


Priority 2 – Strone Pier


As agreed at the previous meeting, David M had written to the joint owners of the site expressing our interest in acquiring the property. No response or acknowledgement had been received.
It was further agreed that the Trust should now explore the community right-to-buy option for the Strone Pier / former John Brown site. David M will follow up.
It was also agreed that the Trust should begin initial enquiries about the Woodside site in Blairmore, as indications were that the owners might consider selling to the community.    


Priority 5 - Village Appearance


Nothing to report.


Theme 3:


Priority 2 – Business Development


Nothing to report.


Theme 4:


Priority 1: Sewage facilities upgrade


It still may be possible to feature the proposed Cowal pilot at the Rural Parliament planned for later this year. David M to pursue at the Community Partnership meeting regarding the Rural Parliament planned for 10th September at the National Park HQ.


Priority 2 – Broadband Provision


Broadband provision in rural areas is confirmed to be on the Rural Parliament agenda.


Priority 3 – Renewable Energy


The Trust has previously registered with Forestry Commission Scotland (FCS) our interest in a potential hydro opportunity on the stream adjacent to Kilmun Church. David M has advised FCS that we are not prepared to become a developer of this site; FCS will advise by end of August if a commercial developer is interested. If so, a community benefit agreement may be possible.
Bachan Burn wind farm – a group of local community groups has been formed and has registered interest in any possible community benefit that may result. B&K CDT is part of this group.






Nothing to report


Villages in Bloom


Nothing to report


Graham’s Point Community Park


Work was still needed to maintain the Willow Tunnel, benches and planters. David M has yet to check with the NP to see if volunteer rangers might be available – will be followed up by next meeting.


Working Groups / Projects


Paths and Access


A meeting of the working group is planned for later this week to prepare a new program of walks.


Pathway marking funded by the Trust on Strone Hill will be installed shortly.


Dinah will be applying for a grant from Western Ferries for new path development.


Historic Kilmun / Argyll Mausoleum Ltd (AML)


The actual Mausoleum opening has now been delayed until Spring 2015.


The funding shortfall identified earlier over the medium term has been resolved.               


The ‘3 Lochs Loop’ (Holy, Long, Eck) project described at the last meeting has received support.  Further work with the NPA is planned.


The main focus of the HK / AML Board is now to drive up visitor numbers.


B&K CDT holds a Corporate Directorship on AML; Dinah has been the nominated representative since AML was formed. Dinah now wishes to step down and therefore B&K CDT will need to nominate a new representative. Dinah will discuss with a possible candidate.  




Information received from the new owners of the local Post Office / village shop is that local trade is improving. The Trust will stay in touch to see if any further assistance is needed.


Future Meetings / Date of next meeting


A meeting of the Community Partnership will be held in Uig Hall on Wednesday 3 September


The AGM of the Trust will be held at 19:30 on Tuesday 16 September. Venue – Pier Hotel. Dinah will arrange venue and refreshments.   

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