September 2013
Minutes of Board Meeting held at Rosehaugh 17 September 2013
Directors in Attendance:
Dinah McDonald Chair
Pearl Brown Treasurer
David McKenzie Secretary
David Eaglesham
Members in Attendance:
Carolyn Stewart
Beth McClure
Clive McClure
Cllr Bruce Marshall
Victor Sandall
Billy King
Minutes of Meeting 12 June 2013
The minutes of the Trust Board meeting of 12 June 2013 were proposed by David E, seconded by David M and adopted.
Matters Arising
CAP Theme 2 Priority 5 – burn maintenance – Dinah has contacted the Help organisation but they appear to be no longer operating.
Re Any Questions – David M has contacted the BBC; a hall that can hold a minimum of 250 people is a pre-requisite to any application. As no hall in our community can do that, the matter is closed.
Business of the Trust
Secretary’s Report
Nothing to report
Update on membership
Nothing to report
Treasurer’s Report
Pearl advised she was unable to report on the bank balances as the accounts were with the auditors.
Community Action Plan - 2012
Action Status:
Theme 1:
Priority 1 – Invasive Species:
6 participants have been identified for the training course run by Paths for All. These are:
Benmore & Kilmun CDT - 3
Kilfinan - 2
Bruce Marshall - 1
A £1000 grant for equipment and tools has been applied for from the National Park.
Priority 2 – Coastal Path:
Will be discussed at a later meeting
Priority 3 – Develop Powder Mill site
Will be discussed at a later meeting
Theme 2:
Priority 5 - Village Appearance
Public seating – Bruce has checked and some maintenance is required
Loch and riverside cleaning – NP volunteer Rangers to carry out – date still to be fixed
Theme 3:
Priority 2 – Business Development
Biomass development at Dalinlongart is still planned
Broadband – work continues with Community Broadband Scotland
Theme 4:
Priority 1: Sewage facilities upgrade
A meeting is planned with Michael Russell MSP on 4 October to review status of the Cowal Multi-Utility Project.
Priority 3 – Renewable Energy
Nothing to report
Nothing to report
Villages in Bloom
Bruce is continuing to maintain planters.
Graham’s Point Community Park
Bruce advised that the Council had clarified that the inspection and certification of play equipment was the responsibility of the Trust. This will be discussed as a future Trust meeting.
Working Groups / Projects
Paths and Access
A pathway from Invereck to the bus stop is in progress – the Trust will fund the cost of the slabs and the installation.
Argyll Mausoleum Ltd (AML)
Construction work continues and is on budget and schedule. A possible launch date of late Spring 2014 is being considered.
Sandbank CC will be holding a Guy Fawkes Night event.
Blairmore Village Trust is holding a series of Producers’ Markets at Blairmore Hall. The first has been very successful and future ones are scheduled for 21 September and 14 December.
The Community Partnership is holding a ‘Celebrating Park People & Stories’ conference at Kilmaronock Hall on 26 October. The Trust will be presenting on how to raise funds for projects.
Date of next meeting
The next meeting of the Trust Board will be held at 19:30 on Wednesday 6 November. Venue – Uig Hall.