SpanglefishBenmore and Kilmun Community Development Trust | sitemap | log in
Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 03/12/2016.

August 2016

Minutes of Board Meeting held at Uig Hall 31 August 2016



Directors in Attendance


Dinah McDonald               Chair

David McKenzie                 Secretary     

Pearl Brown                     Treasurer

Jim Connor

Catherine Rae

Victor Sandall




Cllr Bruce Marshall




Jan Henderson



Minutes of Meeting 27 July 2016


The draft minutes of the Trust Board meeting of 27 July 2016 were reviewed. The minutes were proposed by Catherine, seconded by David and adopted.


Business of the Trust


Secretary’s Report


A reminder had been received from OSCR that accounts had to be filed by 30 September. This would be done following AGM, now scheduled for 21 September.


Annual Companies House confirmation has been processed at a cost of £13.00.


Update on membership




Treasurer’s Report


Pearl advised that our bank balances were as follows:


Savings Account:         £2060.28
Business Account:        £2408.92     


The insurance for Graham’s Point had been paid at £599.04. Dinah and Pearl had tried to find a cheaper quote, but nothing was available.


Dinah advised that the Trust will need to organise one or more fund raising events as the grants that had been previously received were now reduced and no longer cover fixed outgoings.



Community Action Plan 2013 - 2017 


Action Status:


Theme 1:


Priority 1 – Invasive Species:


JK spraying will be re-started this week
It was agreed to find a way to alert residents that spraying was available and to identify any growth on public land that needed attention. 


Theme 2:


Priority 1 – Blairmore Village Green


Catherine reported that the Blairmore Village Trust had offered surplus land plots principally on the shore to adjacent households. Some of these offers had been accepted and the conveyancing was now in place.
2 sites – one on the High Road and one on the Shore Road – that had been acquired by the Trust were being considered for housing development. The Trust is exploring whether one or both could, with planning permission, be sold to raise preliminary funds for the development of Blairmore Green. A decision on this is expected at the next Trust meeting on 13 September. 


Theme 3:


Priority 3 – Development of potential sites.


A pre-application enquiry for the Tyneshandon site has been submitted to the National Park and a meeting took place on site with the planners on 30 August. A positive response is expected.
However, in the meantime, the Trust has been advised that the site may have been sold. The situation will be monitored to see if the Trust can get involved in the future. 


Theme 4:


Priority 2 – Broadband Provision




Priority 3 – Renewable Energy










Villages in Bloom




Graham’s Point Community Park


Damages to some of the features have occurred. One standing stone has been broken, a plank has been removed from a table and the bus shelter has graffiti. Jim Connor has agreed to make repairs and will contact Andy McLintock for advice.


NP volunteers are expected on 1 November to repair the Willow Tunnel.



Working Groups / Projects


Paths and Access


This group continues to grow and remains very active.


Historic Kilmun / Argyll Mausoleum Ltd (AML)


Revenues from visitors are continuing to showing growth.





Catherine requested that the Trust write in support of the campaign to keep Struan Lodge open. This was agreed and Dinah will action.


Jan Henderson had expressed an in interest in becoming a Director of the Trust. After discussion, this was agreed and Jan will be nominated to the Board at the AGM. 



Dates of next meetings


The next Board meeting will be the AGM which will be held at Uig hall on Wednesday 21 September at 20:00 and will be preceded by a BBQ at 19:00.


The next regular Board Meeting will be held at Uig Hall on Tuesday 18 October at 19:30


The next Area Network meeting will be in Lochgoilhead on Wednesday 19 September at 19:00


The annual Community Partnership will be held in Drymen on Saturday 5 November  


The 2016 Scottish Rural Parliament will be held in Brechin from 6th to 8th November.

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