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Spanglefish Gold Status Expired 03/12/2016.

December 2010


Minutes of Board Meeting held at Younger Hall 6 December 2010
Directors:               Dinah McDonald               Chair           
Pearl Brown                     Treasurer
David McKenzie                 Secretary
Ron Cruickshank
                             Billy King
                             Victor Sandall
Apologies:              Cllr Bruce Marshall
David Eaglesham
Trust Board
Jeanette Sloss has advised that she has resigned as a Director of the Trust.         
Minutes of last meeting
The minutes of the last Trust meeting held on 11 October 2010 were proposed by Dinah McDonald, seconded by Ron Cruickshank and adopted.
Matters arising
Business of the Trust
Secretary’s Report
Ø      Nothing to report
Update on membership
Ø     There have been no changes to the membership
Treasurer’s Report
Ø     Pearl reported that the balances on hand were:
Account 1:                   £555.07         Cheque account
Account 2:                  £1,859.33   Bonus account
Ø      Funds on hand include £1797.15 from the National Park towards the costs of the Blairmore / Gairletter path
Ø      A further contribution of £4,700 from LEADER towards the same path was still awaited.
Ø      Dinah advised that an application had been submitted to the National Park for a grant of £800 towards admin costs, and a further application for a grant of £1500 from the National Park had been submitted for path signage and leaflets.  
Consultation on possible closure of Strone School
It was agreed that the Trust should support the Strone School parents in opposing the closure of Strone School. Ron Cruickshank was delegated to convey the Trust position to the public meeting on this topic that was being held later that evening.
Working Groups / Projects
Community Futures Goes Green
Ø      Dinah reported that there had been a significant number of requests for the house insulation program.
Ø      The contract with Changeworks had been concluded – it was agreed to involve Caroline Cuddihy from ALIenergy.
Paths and Access
Ø      Nothing to report.
Ø     The Midge Lane planning hearing into the proposed forest access road would be held on 24 January 2011 in Highgate Hall.
Villages in Bloom
Ø      Dinah agreed to chase Cllr Marshall on whether he had incurred costs in maintaining the planters along the shore.   
Graham’s Point
Ø     The Council had agreed to repair the wall in the car park, but the work had not yet been done. David agreed to chase. 
Ø      David advised the removal of the artefacts had been further delayed but should now take place within a week.
Ø      17 bids had been received in response to the RFT for the main contract. A meeting of the Board of Argyll Mausoleum Ltd (AML) was planned for 15 December at which it was hoped to make a decision on the winning bid.
Ø      The AML Board had agreed to commission the first part of the archaeology investigation on the site from Glasgow University (GUARD) and this report was expected by end December.
Ø      Ann Galliard has completed a draft of the first part of the site history. Prof Alasdair Ross from Stirling University has completed the first draft of the investigation into the early history of the site.   
Ø      Heritage Lottery Foundation (HLF) have advised how important it is to have a full activity plan prior to the second round funding application in June. Initial discussions have taken place with a consultant who can assist on this.
Ø      Ron advised that sufficient funding was in place for the next two editions of the Loch’n’Glen newsletter.
Ø      The UK Government is now expected to publish the details of the Renewable Heat Incentive shortly. It is expected that this will include particular emphasis on district heating systems. The Trust agreed to set up a sub-committee to manage a potential application for a district heating system for the Shore communities. Dinah will chair this sub committee and David will advise. Members for the sub-committee will be recruited.  
Date of next meeting
Ø      The date of the next Trust Board meeting will be on Monday 17 January at 19:30 in Uig Hall.



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